Sunday, May 6, 2012

Love does not mean never having to say you're sorry!

This has been a crazy year. My husband and I have just rounded the corner of our 14th wedding anniversary. In the last two weeks, I have slept on the cohat uch twice, and he is settled in to sleep on the couch for his second night. In a row. Oh yes, and mine were two consecutive nights as well.
It'll come to me what he did the first time, which was probably the 100th time, and I just got pissed enough to pout. I really don't quite know how the argument ended either, I just know we started speaking again.
This time, darn it, I'm still mad and I know why. I went on a business trip this past week and rode to the airport with the girls that I work with. It was a sales conference. My flight home was already a late flight (I was to arrive at 10:30 pm on Friday night), but the flight was delayed so it was close to midnight that my plane got in. Once we got in the car, we all talked about where to be dropped, etc. I asked to be dropped off at the BP station, which is right off exit ramp - not out of the way, yet super close to my house. I sent Randy the text message, he agreed to pick me up there. I send him a total of 6 text messages, updating him on where we are, mostly so he knows when to leave, An hour later, we get to the station, and no Randy. I call him: Me: Where are you?? Him: Here. Me: Here? are you serious? You are supposed to be HERE. I hang up furious and embarrassed. No problem, my exhausted friends drive me the extra 10 minutes out of their way to my house.
Okay, he fell asleep. DO YOU THINK THAT MAN OFFERED ANY SORT OF AN APOLOGY? Hell no. He says, "why didn't you call me?"
I was dumfounded Friday night, dumbfounded yesterday, and still dumfounded that he has not uttered a single "I'm sorry hon, I didn't mean to fall asleep! I'm so sorry." That is all that was needed to diffuse my anger. Just a simple I'm sorry. I guess that jackass would rather sleep on the couch and disrupt all of our harmony, than tell me he is sorry. that's pathetic.

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